Herve Guibert, Ivica Buljan

May 18 at 7.00 pm
Venue: Slovensko mladinsko gledališče
Duration: 145 minutes

Young Flesh, a short novel by Hervé Guibert, narrates, in an enigmatic and bantering style, the story of events that took place in northern France. Specifically, it tells the story of a priest who, immediately after his arrival in a new parish, encounters a mystery and morality play conducted by a “gang of four”: a carpenter, a butcher’s sister, an owner of an ale-house, and a road mender. This quartet has ruled the village for many years, sowing fear and suffering. In his exposure of the scandal in Normandy, Guibert is both scalpel-sharp and humorous as he erodes accepted moral-ethical clichés. The performance takes place in three different halls of Slovensko mladinsko gledališče, and Buljan enhances the script with his characteristic directorial style.

Director: Ivica Buljan
Performers: Dario Varga, Robert Prebil, Neda R. Bric, Dejan Pevčevič., Daša Doberšek, Maruša Geymayer Oblak, Vesna Vončina, Uroš Maček, Janja Majzelj, Ivan Godnič, Niko Goršič, Olga Grad, Željko Hrs, Jose, Damjana Černe, Draga Potočnjak, Eldin Žerić, Andrej Čarni, Nejc Levstik, Špela Dolinšek, Ema Hrustanović, Eva Jesenovec, Tia Okič, Lan Zupančič, Luka Žontar, Živa Jarec, Špela Jevšnik, Ajet Kevrić, Žiga Korošec, Jana Koruza, Lev Mastnak, Vesna Mlakar, Marko Novak, Luka Plečnik, Ana Hribar, Kaja Tomšič, Veronika Vižintin
Translation: Suzana Koncut
Assistant director: Robert Waltl
Dramaturgy: Zlatko Wurzberg
Set design: Anusc Castiglioni, Giulia Bonaldi
Costume design: Ana Savić Gecan
Choreography: Tanja Zgonc
Music: Mitja Vrhovnik Smrekar
Sound design: Marijan Sajovic
Light design: Giulia Bonaldi
Song lyrics: Draga Potočnjak
Producers: Peter Sotošek Štular, Vitomir Obal
Production: Slovensko mladinsko gledališče




We reserve the right to possible programme alterations.